A Step in the Right Direction

There have been two major changes for high school students that will change the landscape of higher education in New York City. First, the $65 fee for CUNY college applications has been waived for low income students. Mayor de Blasio announced this news yesterday in hopes of getting more young people enrolled into college. A waiver will be given to students who fall under these criteria:

  • Student who qualified for free/reduced priced lunch
  • Students in foster care or are homeless
  • Students whose families live in subsidized housing
  • Students who receive public assistance

Now, if the fee is being waived, who will be paying for this? According to The New York Times, this initiative will cost $2.4 million a year. The city will be responsible for $2 million, while CUNY will have to cover the remaining $400,000. To follow up with the free CUNY application, Mayor de Blasio has also announced the new cost for the SAT exam for public school students. FREE. That’s right SAT exams will be free for public school students and will be available to take during the week and not only just on the weekend. Both initiatives overall will be a huge win for students and higher education.

We reported earlier that the high school graduation rate has hit an all-time high of %70 in New York City alone. That high number can only support the fact that the college degree is becoming more of a norm in this day and age. Students are graduating high school with the expectations of receiving a bachelors or master’s degree. Simultaneously, employers today are bumping up their educational requirements and students are aware of this change and want to be prepared. Stay connected to keep up to date will all news and advice to help your transition into the workforce.